Why are Corporate Flu Vaccinations Important?

Flu is a potentially dangerous disease that can cause hospitalization or even death. There are different flu seasons and each affects people differently. According to statistics, millions of people get flu each year and hundreds of thousands get hospitalized. 

Unfortunately, thousands of people die from flu-related conditions each year. For some people, flu means a few days of missing work and for some others, it means long weeks of absence from work. 

Organizations understand how absence from work can significantly affect productivity. That is why corporate flu vaccinations are highly recommended to forestall unpleasant results from flu attacks. 

How Flu Vaccinations Work

To better understand why corporate flu vaccinations are important, it is crucial to understand how it works. Flu vaccinations cause the development of antibodies in the body system about two weeks after getting the shot. The antibodies offer protection against different infections associated with influenza viruses. 

Seasonal corporate flu vaccinations are designed to help organizations maintain optimal performance during seasonal flu attacks. This is because their employees are protected by these vaccines against influenza viruses in the season.

Who can get vaccinated with Flu Vaccines?

Vaccinations are meant to prevent flu and their potentially dangerous complications, such as bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and ear infections. Other worse and major complications can arise from flu infections and they include congestive heart failure, diabetes, and asthma. 

To protect against flu, it is recommended that everyone older than six months should get an annual season flu vaccination. That means every employee can participate in corporate flu vaccinations.

When is the Best time to get Corporate Flu Vaccinations?

Organizations have to manage vaccination programs in their operations. It is important to understand that everyone reacts to vaccination differently just as they react to the flu differently. 

Therefore, it is crucial to take into consideration, the possibility of an employee getting sick after getting vaccinated. This is most especially if they already have the flu before getting vaccinated. That is why it is recommended that the best time to get a corporate flu vaccination is the off-peak period of an organization. 

Although it is recommended that people should get the vaccine early in July or August, especially those that are sixty-five years and older, younger people can get it earlier or later. 

You can work your corporate flu vaccinations program around the time that your organization would have less workload. With this, you will avoid low productivity if anyone takes ill among your staff members.

How effective is Flu Vaccination?

The first thing to understand is that flu vaccine effectiveness varies. The protection it provides depends on different factors. First, the effectiveness varies from one season to the other. Secondly, the health status and age of the vaccinated person will also affect the efficacy of the vaccine. 

Also, the match or similarity between the viruses within the vaccine and the virus in circulation will affect the effectiveness. In other words, the influenza viruses circulating in a particular season and the type of flu vaccine that was used will determine how effective the vaccine is. 

What are the Benefits of Corporate Flu Vaccination?

Many reasons abound for organizations to consider corporate flu vaccination. Flu vaccination is the most effective way to protect employees against flu and its possible complications. For individual employees, the benefits are numerous and they include:

  • Prevent individuals from getting sick with the flu
  • Reduces seriousness of illness in vaccinated individuals that get sick
  • Reduces the risk of flu-related hospitalization
  • It is a preventive tool for individuals with chronic health conditions
  • Protects pregnant women during and after pregnancy

The benefits to employees have ripple effects on organizations. When your organization embraces corporate flu vaccination, employees do not get affected by seasonal flu. That means they will always show up for work and the organizational productivity is maintained all year round.

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