Divorce Lawyers—Keys to Finding Them

Family facing a divorce

Your marriage is now on the rocks; you’re now thinking about divorce lawyers. Recommendations are flying here and there; what do you do? Which do you pick? Most couples in matrimonial disputes face this. And, yes, it’s a whole lot like rocket science. Breaking apart hurts. Litigation, too, hurts like hell. It is emotionally intense. In courts, you’re going to hear some awful things that will make your guts leaky from the other party. Things that are awful enough to break anyone down. 

Well, all that matters finally is if the judgment ends in your favour. But how do you find divorce lawyers in Sydney? Let’s help you. 

Divorce lawyers—Who are they? 

Also known as divorce attorneys, they are legal practitioners who practice family laws and are involved in divorce proceedings. They represent only one party, protecting their rights, and ensuring the judgment ends in their favour. To be honest with you, final judgments are not always fair. So, you’d rather buckle your belt and prepare for the worse. 

  1. Many proceedings reach a year. This means it could be quite expensive.

What do they do? 

Divorce lawyers will help you at every stage while offering legal advice on issues such as dividing assets, child support & custody, etc., for the time being. 

They will study your situation and the related documents. These documents could contain information on tax returns, paycheck stubs, etc. They may also advise you to go through the route of family mediation, especially if your case is making headway. This method is quick and cheap in comparison with litigation. 

Types of divorces divorce lawyers handle 

divorce lawyer in Sydney

Below is a list of the different kinds of divorce cases.

Uncontested divorce. No trial in an uncontested divorce because both parties agree on the terms. It’s quick and inexpensive. 

Contested divorce. Unlike the uncontested divorce, this type involves a trial because both parties do not agree on the terms such as child custody, dividing assets, etc. 

Collaborative divorce. Each party works with their lawyer so that an agreement is reached. Both parties cooperate and negotiate until a consensus is reached. 

Summary divorce. In this type of divorce, the couple has no kids, significant money or asset to divide. They just download the paperwork and fill out some forms; pronto, the divorce is sealed. However, it should be done in the presence of your lawyer, who will explain things to you. 

Default divorce. If the other party doesn’t show up in court or respond after their spouse files a divorce, the judge will grant the divorce in their absence. This happens most times when the other spouse cannot be found, is far away in another country and unwilling to return, etc. 

Tips for finding divorce lawyers 

What type of lawyer do you want? This should shape or give direction to your search. If you’re dealing with child custody, for example, you may want to involve a family lawyer. Secondly, it’s wise to look for divorce lawyers in your city. Ask around. Ask your neighbours, friends, colleagues, etc. Or, you could even ask Google. 

If you’ve found one, you should research and interview them. Some lawyers lie about their experiences. You need client referrals to verify their claims. Good divorce lawyers have good legal strategies when it comes to divorce proceedings.